Litigation Alert: Our Firm Moves for FLSA “Conditional Certification” in Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Joe’s Kwik Mart Store Manage

Our firm represents 6 salaried “Store Managers” who were employed at Joe’s Kwik Mart stores operated by SMG Group, LLC. The company classifies the Store Managers as “executives” who are not entitled to overtime. In the lawsuit, our clients claim that this classification is wrong because, even though the Store Managers have a fancy job title, their day-to-day work consists almost entirely of doing non-managerial work such as cleaning, stocking shelves, and working the cash register

The lawsuit is assigned to a Federal Judge in Scranton, PA. The Federal Judge currently is considering our motion requesting that he notify all salaried Store Managers of this lawsuit and give them an opportunity to join. This is called a “conditional certification” motion. We hope the Judge will grant the motion.

However, we always are interested in adding more Store Managers to this lawsuit. So, if you have worked as a Joe’s Quick Mart Store Managers any time in the last 3 years, you can give us a call at (215) 866-1551 to learn more about the lawsuit. We would be happy to talk to you and to provide the you with more information they need to join the case.

Also, for your information, please find attached: (i) a copy of the Complaint and (ii) a copy of the form that should be completed and returned to join the lawsuit
